Have conversations around selected text without losing context of your classroom. Create custom highlighters and leave private feedback.
Effortlessly distributes critiques amongst your students. Easily control number of critiques each student writes, and when student can see each other's critiques.
There is nothing quite like Wet Ink. We have invested years understanding needs of students and instructors for learning that happens around writing.

Experience an online classroom with much higher engagement amongst students than on other platforms. Our secret: we have thoughtfully applied principles of social networking to our learning platform.
Beyond writing classes, we also give you a place for your entire community, where your past and present students can stay connected. After a class ends, you have the option to create a community just for students of that class!

Easily create lessons
Add images, audio, video and embed external widgets like Soundcloud.
Embed questions, quiz, reading assignments, writing assignments.
"We've recently adopted the Wet Ink platform for all of our workshops, both online and onsite, built exclusively to address the needs of writing workshops and communities."
"The online platforms that Wet Ink offers are cutting edge and fully comprehensive which will make them extremely beneficial to writing workshops"
"Wet Ink, is designed specifically for writers and to be easy to use. With a built-in critique system, including the ability to write in-line comments, it’s easy to give and get feedback on drafts. Wet Ink makes online classes easier than ever to enjoy."